Apprentice in Europe” campaign with the popular banks and NRJ

The Permanent Assembly of Chambers of Trade and Crafts, as the organiser of European mobility for apprentices, is launching the "Apprentice in Europe" campaign with the support of the Ministry of Crafts and Crafts and in partnership with NRJ and the Banques Populaires. This radio campaign aimed at young apprentices aims to promote European mobility. The first wave of the promotion campaign will start on Monday 11 April 2011 and will be more specifically geared towards mobility in Germany. It will include fifty-six messages in the form of "apprentice testimonials" and forty-two messages announcing the scheme and referring to a dedicated internet platform. The second wave will take place in October 2011. An Internet platform will enable interested young people to obtain information and register to benefit from European mobility. This platform, also accessible from the NRJ radio site, will be administered by the APCMA's Training and Employment Department, which will collect and process applications from young people, in conjunction with the network's Chambers of Trades and Crafts (CMA) and Apprentice Training Centres (CFA). The objective is to enable apprentices, as for students, to access mobility programmes in Europe. In addition to the development and dissemination of personal skills, for apprentices, encouraging autonomy and initiative, the mobility stay also has a strong impact on companies, which must constantly be open to the techniques and skills circulating in Europe and around the world. While 4% of students benefit from the Erasmus scheme, just less than 1% of apprentices have European experience during their training. APCMA's ambition for its apprenticeship network is to send 5,000 young people on mobility between now and 2015. APCMA is playing a leading role in organising the mobility of apprentices following a mission entrusted by the European Commission.

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