“Diagnostic épargne”, an innovative site to make your savings grow!

Building up savings intelligently is not easy when you don't have a good grasp of banking products at your fingertips. Hence the usefulness of "Diagnostic épargne", a fun site accessible to all, which provides personalized advice. Crédit Agricole Pyrénées Gascogne makes it easier for its customers to access their savings thanks to the fun "diagnostic épargne" website. "Savings are built like a house, so be the architect!"Simple and relevant, the image takes on its full meaning when it comes to putting money aside. It is a good illustration of the concept of the clever and attractive site called "diagnostic épargne" (savings diagnosis), which offers free advice on how to build up sensible savings.

Simplifying savings, too often perceived as complicated

This innovation, which came about as a result of customer relations discussions among Crédit Agricole Pyrénées Gascogne employees, aims to simplify savings, which are too often perceived as complicated. We want to help users to form their own opinions in complete freedom," says Michel Lalanne, head of the Marketing and Communications department for Crédit Agricole Pyrénées Gascogne's offers. Our approach is part of a new 'customer pact', which makes the customer autonomous, offers them anonymous access to the site, and then gives them the possibility of consulting an advisor for further information - but only if they wish, as we do not collect any data or send any documentation afterwards. »

Estimate your savings capacity with a simple tool

Innovative both in its approach and ease of use, "savings diagnosis" uses as criteria the age, sex, situation, number of children, savings capacity and current investments of the saver. These are schematized in the form of a house with different colour strata (corresponding to the available savings, the project, life insurance or securities). This is followed by very concrete advice on how to optimise your strategy. We know, for example, if the financial percentage allocated to the available savings is too high, if we are below the recommended indicative amount for future projects, or what are the ideal products in his specific case (CEL, PEL...). Decidedly innovative, the site also makes it possible to find out how the savings of people with a similar profile to one's own are constituted. A useful and didactic tool that makes saving understandable to everyone and fun to plan!

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