Credit card: what are the Guarantees

Having a credit card means taking advantage of all the benefits that go with it. Yes, before using a card, you must first know all the guarantees and insurances included. Thanks to these protections, you will be able to travel in complete safety. Let's take a look at the subject.

Classic guarantees

Your credit card is your best travel companion. Indeed, it can cover two types of guarantees:
  • Bank card insurance guarantees, necessary when you travel more than 100 km from your home. In the case of an accident or problem, they can cover loss of luggage, disability, death, etc., depending on the type of card. To take advantage of all these benefits, you must pay for all or part of your trip with your card.
  • And the support guarantees: even on the other side of the world, you will be able to contact a contact person available 24 hours a day. There are no conditions required to benefit from this. They cover medical expenses, hospitalization, accidents, early return, etc. However, be very careful! Before paying out any money, first contact your assistance
Note: A deductible is usually applied by the bank. Therefore, you should inform yourself about the different conditions to take advantage of these protections. Also, you should know that the guarantees extend over a period of 3 months.

Other guarantees included in the credit card

Currently, these guarantees do not only apply to the cardholder. Family members are also covered:
  • the spouse (legally married or not) and dependent children under 25 years of age who may or may not be travelling with the cardholder
  • and unmarried dependent grandchildren or ascendants under the age of 25 who are travelling with the holder
Note: In general, the ceilings are €11,000 for Visa and MasterCard and €155,000 for Premier and Gold. And for civil liability, it will be €1,525,000 for Visa Premier and €2,000,000 for MasterCard Gold. For lost luggage, you will only be compensated up to €850 with an excess of €70.

Good to know!

In France, either Visa or Mastercard is used. But at a bank, you can find a whole range of cards. So a card that offers you optimal coverage will certainly cost you more. So, if you have any doubts, don't hesitate to ask your banker any questions you may have. He will be able to make you an offer that will meet your expectations.

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